Friday, September 17, 2010

Will Jeep Wheels Fit On A Dodge Ram

AFEV Grenoble starts his fourth campaign to mobilize students together!

Specifically, students individually and volunteers accompany children home and neighborhood youth Popular! The accompaniment, far from help with homework, has several objectives: to discover the world of book for toddlers, find the curiosity and the joy of learning for older children, learn about the different paths training and jobs for college students in 4th and 3rd. Discoveries and cultural outings, in pairs or in groups, are strongly encouraged and even organized by the team AFEV.

Students are accompanied and followed by team AFEV. Three training time they are offered throughout the year!

are welcome all students who wish:

* be useful and engaging in an act of neighborliness

* give 2 hours per week for one academic year (except during holidays, of course)

* discover other social and cultural universe

* meet other students involved

* acquire new skills

share * knowledge

* to discover the city for children and young people together, but also re-discover themselves

* articipate friendly at times with other student volunteers, etc ...

To meet us you are welcome to attend meetings of information that offers AFEV every Thursday at 17:30 in his local campus of St. Martin-d'Hères: ground floor, Building 1000, Berlioz's residence (opposite the bus stop "Hector Berlioz" tram C)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can You Make Copies Of P90x

Happy 2010-2011 school year!

A brand new team (well, almost!) Is fresh and ready for a new year AFEV! A year that, unfortunately, begins with a strike, job cuts in state education, the decline in aid associations, economic inequalities, social and educational way only dig ... A year which, fortunately, brings together two employees and eight volunteers motivated and eager to embark on the adventure. Share our desire for civic engagement and solidarity actions with other youth. Accompanying children and young people to overcome the difficulties they encounter in their journey, their return confidence. Mount collective projects. Meet. Fun. Explore our city, and in particular neighborhoods, otherwise! Finally, participate in making our city as we want, more caring and more humane!

Monday, September 6, 2010

How To Hack 3 Mobile Dongle

3rd Day of Denial school failure

This year, in the Rhone-Alps, Day for the Eradication of school failure held in Chambéry! The theme of the day: Suffering in school. Take Action!
Resolving the question of suffering in the School seems to be a key to improving our education system, including college. The recent parliamentary report Grosperrin stresses that "the college is in school, the place where people suffer most. It produces suffering, not only for its most vulnerable pupils but also for their teachers. "

The program of the day:
* 14h-15h - Presentation of initiatives
* 15h-15h45 - Workshops
- What structures to accompany the pain?
- How to integrate the difference?
- How to be a student? 15h45-16h *
- Break 16h-16h45
* - Return of workshops and debate
* 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Conclusion Patrick Angel Raoult, Psychologist and Master Lecturer at the University of Savoie
17.30 * 18h - Pot Area Youth - Pugnet

Côte Rousse
244 College Avenue Daniel Rops
73000 Chambéry