A quick tour through the ruins of Sha'naar
I passed yesterday by the ruins of Sha'naar. It is a small area that is home to lesser demons that have reduced the Lost * in slavery. After going through the Temple of Telhamat have recovered and the search
Cruel headmen and Relics of Sha'naar appointment southwest to eliminate sub-chiefs Illidari. They are not very sturdy but adds that each have two escort them. Be careful to focus your DPS on them to fall as quickly as possible. Once dead, lesPerdus stop hitting you.
Well it pretty well all that they have ruined what these so special? I mention it simply because this place will move through a series of quests pay enough experience level. Go talk to a Lost which is located in the upper left of the ruins, he is under a small makeshift habitats. This person will ask you to perform multiple tasks all taking place in the ruins of Sha'naar before you entrust a magic wand that allows you to temporarily deprive the elite level 63 which makes the law on the area of its powers to make him bite the dust.
This small passage through the ruins of Sha'naar you will finally win 25-30k and this, in very little time invested. On top of that, you can sing to everyone you Solot ** an elite level 63! Oooooh, the roxxor!
*"[...] Subsequently, the draenei who had fought the Horde found that they had been affected by the energies corrupt than orc warlocks wielded with such abandon. These draenei mutated gave birth to a series of sub-species degenerate. The Broken and the Lost (which was previously subject) are two such branches. Their warped bodies bear only a remote resemblance to the proud draenei once, and many of them have lost their reason. " **
term for a single character who faces his enemies.
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