Ladies and gentlemen, my right Mogor the ogre, champion of the arena of blood in all categories! To my left a group of level 65-68 armed to the teeth! That is how this visit will happen to the arena of blood. Five or nothing!
is the obligatory when you're in Nagrand, and for good reason, the short trip will yield approximately 55k! You will fly several bosses in an arena that will capture the attention of the group of five players on pain of whips in the rules. We must attack the boss in order and with discipline that is faced with a boss instance.
Feel free to bring parcho, popo any kind and especially a healer and a tank effectively. Here are some screens. There are no every boss but if I remember correctly you will encounter a boss Clefthoof, an elementary Mogor the ogre, a voidwalker and twins Broken.
Good luck, although these are sturdy boss, the hardest is to bring together a cohesive group for addressing them. In all cases, the developers of World of Warcraft has once again demonstrated originality, it's nice.
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